by Ed Slingerland | Jan 17, 2022 | Blog, Did You Know, Newsletter
Ningxia Red, especially the NingXia (Goji) berries in the juice and fruit puree, is a tremendously powerful antioxidant?
Antioxidants are molecules that slow down the oxidation process of the cells; they neutralize the excess of free radicals that damage the cells and thus cause aging in the body.
Free radicals are byproducts in our body; they very quickly combine with “bad” substances , causing your cells to oxidise (so to speak, rust from within) and thus age extremely fast. And antioxidants prevent or slow down this “rusting” process in advance, so that you keep healthy cells longer.
In Japan, many studies have been done to determine why people in certain places with a lot of fruits and vegetables with a high antioxidant level live so long. We are talking about people 100 years and over!
And that’s just 1 reason why we take at least 60 ml of this delicious drink every day, as a shot, mix or tea….
by Ed Slingerland | Jan 10, 2022 | Did You Know, News
This Saturday, January 22, there will be another Young Living Day?
On this Saturday, we were finally going to open our home and office again and introduce everyone interested in Young Living and 100% natural living to Young Living’s amazing products….
Unfortunately, with the current measures, it is still not “allowed” to organize this, but that does not mean that we will not do it next time!
We assume that the Young Living Day in April ( when is the next one) can just be celebrated with all our acquaintances and friends. So this time we will do it one more time only online.
Young Living Day is the day that new products are introduced; there are entire groups that organize workshops or even entire conventions around this day. You can take a rain check from us for a convention like that next time.
We don’t know yet what exactly will come from Young Living, because that will only be announced a few days before January 22nd, with the solemn vow that we will not tell you until that day…
Curious about what’s to come? Keep an eye out on our Social Media and we’ll start showing you teasers!!!
by Ed Slingerland | Jul 1, 2021 | Did You Know, Newsletter
Young Living’s toothpastes, unlike regular toothpastes from renowned brands, do not use microplastic as an abrasive?
Many toothpastes are so rough because of microscopic balls of plastic. After use, that plastic washes away through the sink drain. Water treatment plants cannot remove this microplastic from the water. So the plastic goes straight to the sea, where it is eaten by small creatures like algae and krill.
But it is not only in toothpaste: it is also in shampoo, shower cream and even scrub cream.
There is a very simple test, with which you can see for yourself the plastic in your care product. You dilute some toothpaste, shampoo or cream with water and pour it through a coffee filter. It is enlightening to see!
Some brands use such tiny beads that they don’t get left behind in a coffee filter either. Of course, the microplastic is mentioned on the packaging: polyethylene or polyethene. And if the plastic particles are so small that they do not remain in a filter, who is to say that they will not remain in the tissue in your mouth???
Young Living has chosen a product that occurs in nature and can do exactly the same, but in an environmentally friendly way. Calcium carbonate is used in toothpaste as an abrasive to scrub teeth and is naturally derived from limestone.
by Ed Slingerland | Mar 1, 2021 | Did You Know, Newsletter
The CBD products from Young Living are distilled through ethyl alcohol? However, the hardest part comes after that… CBD products from Young Living are only made with an ISOLATE of CBD, so after distillation, all other substances such as THC must be filtered out, and essential oil must be added again. Do you want to know more about CBD, how to use it or do you find the science behind it interesting? Thursday 11 March Ed will be hosting a Zoom! Check out our group on Facebook or send us an email for the link. You can ask your questions during the Zoom, but if you can’t wait, you can also mail directly to
by Ed Slingerland | Feb 1, 2021 | Did You Know
The CBD products from Young Living may carry the label SEED TO SEAL, because the plantations & manufacturing processes of Nature’s Ultra meet the same high standards as Young Living uses for their own products. As not everyone reacts the same to CBD, Young Living has thought of making 2 different strengths of each product. This allows everyone to choose the dosage that best suits their lifestyle or solution. Would you like to know more about CBD, how to use it or do you find the science behind it interesting? Friday 12 February Ed will be hosting a Zoom about all this and more! Check out our group on Facebook or send us a request for the link. You can ask your questions during the Zoom, but if you can’t wait, you can also email us at
by Ed Slingerland | Dec 1, 2020 | Did You Know
That you smell with your brains?
Just like sight, hearing, touch and taste, you only experience smell when the odour signals have reached the receptors of the brain. Smell is then translated by various processes in the brain and other systems through the so-called olfactory sensory system. An odour is first detected in the nasal mucosa, which is located in the upper part of the nose, behind the bridge of the nose. This mucous membrane contains olfactory nerve cells, which send the odour molecules to the brain through holes in the sieve bone. Above the sieve bone there are bulges in the mucous membrane (cilia) where the molecules bind to so-called receptors (special receivers for certain odour molecules). These receptors register the scent signal and convert it into signals that can be processed by the brain. Essential oils have a direct and indirect effect on the brain, releasing substances that can influence our emotional life and our emotions. Thus, among other things, the body’s own morphine-like substances are released, such as endorphins and encephalins. These chemical messengers are substances that have a positive influence on our well-being and help treat anxiety and depression. They are important pain-suppressors. Studies have shown that certain odours have an effect on brain waves. Soothing oils, for example, can change the pattern of brainwaves to a rhythm that leads to rest and tranquillity in humans. More spicy oils, on the other hand, can stimulate brainwaves into active patterns and therefore generally have an uplifting effect. Essential oils contain many active molecules that differ in their effect on the brain and therefore also on our body and psyche. Experience and appreciation of fragrances therefore differs from person to person.