This Saturday, January 22, there will be another Young Living Day?
On this Saturday, we were finally going to open our home and office again and introduce everyone interested in Young Living and 100% natural living to Young Living’s amazing products….
Unfortunately, with the current measures, it is still not “allowed” to organize this, but that does not mean that we will not do it next time!
We assume that the Young Living Day in April ( when is the next one) can just be celebrated with all our acquaintances and friends. So this time we will do it one more time only online.
Young Living Day is the day that new products are introduced; there are entire groups that organize workshops or even entire conventions around this day. You can take a rain check from us for a convention like that next time.
We don’t know yet what exactly will come from Young Living, because that will only be announced a few days before January 22nd, with the solemn vow that we will not tell you until that day…
Curious about what’s to come? Keep an eye out on our Social Media and we’ll start showing you teasers!!!