Frequently Asked Question.
Here you will find answers to your questions about Young Living, Oiled by Nature, the Young Living Foundation and so much more…
Do I also need to dilute the oils in the KidScents range?
The oils intended specifically for babies or children, KidCare, GeneYus, Tummygize, DreamEase & Refresh are already diluted as standard in the 5ml bottles. So you can be sure you are protecting your little ones with just the right amount of these special oils. Want to know more about which Babies & Children products are available? Have a look HERE in our shop.
The other oils, which are not specifically intended for babies or children, but can be applied to babies or children, must always be diluted with a carrier oil! You can find a dilution table HERE.
Where are the Young Living farms to be found? And is it possible to visit them?
Young Living has corporate owned farms all over the world or partner farms who handle the plants, trees or fruit in the same way as they do on their own farms. This is farming according to the Seed to Seal standard.
Click here for an overview of the Young Living farms and Partner farms.
PS. All Young Living farms are public, without appointment and freely accessible!
Why do some oils have such strong smells?
If you have an immediate aversion to a fragrance then you most likely need it very much emotionally.
When you instantly love a fragrance then you probably need it physically.
CBD, THC, Weed, Hash, Marijuana; which oil is what?
As of February 1, the CBD oil products are also available in the Netherlands… But sometimes it’s like you can’t see the trees through the forest anymore with all those “labels”? Here is a short explanation, so you do not have to be afraid for the substances in our CBD oil.
CBD is an active substance that is obtained from the Cannabis-plant. The same plant species is also used for growing weed, hash or Marijuana. Marijuana contains THC, which is also an active substance, but provides the intoxicating, hallucinatory effect when consumed.
With the CBD from Young Living, the THC has been filtered out, so that you only use the positive effect of the substance CBD.
CBD is of positive influence on all kinds of systems in your body: digestion, immune system, bones, blood vessels system, eyes, skin, organs (like kidneys, liver & pancreas) and much more.
Because CBD can be copied in the body from one cell to another, an extra substance is needed to help with that. That’s where Young Living’s essential oils come in: the added oils contain what are known as Terpenes, which not only help with that copying, but of course also make their own positive contributions.
Here you can find all kinds of interesting facts about Young Living, the plants, the products or the ingredients of the products.
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