Did You Know… January 2023

Did You Know… January 2023

there is a major difference between LAVENDER and LAVENDIN???

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and lavendin (Lavandula x intermedia) are two of the most popular species of lavender. They are both a plant species in the mint family. They are similar in appearance and scent, but there are also some important differences between the two:

lavender is native to the Mediterranean, while you can find lavendin, a hybrid species of lavender, all over the world.
Lavender is also more sensitive to cold weather and can be damaged by frost, while lavendin tolerates cold better.
Lavender is in turn more resistant to disease due to its diversity, where lavendin all have the same dna and are therefore extremely poorly resistant to that same disease.
Lavender has a more delicate flavour, while lavendin has a more robust taste.

Both are used for their essential oils, which are used in aromatherapy. Lavender oil is said to be relaxing and calming, while lavendin oil is said to be stimulating and uplifting.

And so now you know why Young Living works with Lavender and not, like the perfume and soap industry, with lavendin.

Frequently Asked Question… January 2023

Frequently Asked Question… January 2023

Are essential oils or oil products suitable for detox?

Essential oils are powerful tools for detoxifying the body. They can be used in a variety of ways, including diffusing them into the air, applying them topically to the skin, or taking them internally. When used properly, essential oils can help to cleanse the body of toxins, reduce inflammation, and promote healing.
There are a few things to keep in mind when using essential oils for detox. First, be sure to only use high-quality, therapeutic-grade oils. Second, start slowly and increase the amount you use gradually as your body becomes more accustomed to them. Finally, pay attention to how your body responds to each oil and make adjustments as needed.
Some good essential oils to use for detox are lemon, grapefruit, peppermint, rosemary, and ginger. diffusing these oils into the air is a great way to purify the air and promote detoxification. You can also add a few drops to a bath or apply them topically to the skin. When taking essential oils internally, be sure to start with just a drop or two and increase the amount gradually. You can add them to water, tea, or smoothies, or put a few drops under your tongue.